Under the 'Edit" menu, you'll find the 'Preferences' option. In the Preferences window that pops up under Environment, you'll see the 'Hoops' tab where you can choose a hoop. Hoops are displayed in a sorted list, organized by embroidery file format. Most embroidery hoops are made using the metric system, so the sizes for the hoops are displayed according to the way the manufacturer sells the hoop. An approximate size in inches is also shown.
Simply select your machine file format at the top of the window, highlight the hoop size you want to use, and click the 'OK' button at the bottom of the window.
There are many hoops that are built into the program, and you can add your own. As the program updates over time, or if you have edited a hoop, use the “Defaults” button to restore the program to the hoops provided. The “Defaults” button will not, however, remove any hoops you’ve added yourself.
Depending on which Embrilliance Programs you own, some multi-position hoops may be listed – they have “Multi” listed after the size. Designs will automatically split upon the Save and a text file will be created with the stitching instructions.
Many times you will want to sew a design sideways in the hoop. But rather than laying out your design sideways, it might be convenient to have the hoop displayed as rotated. Checking the “Rotate 90” button accomplishes this. Double-click the hoop indicator on the status bar to rotate the hoop 90°.
Check the status bar at the bottom of the window for hoop information, which displays the selected hoop size whether it is visible or not. Zoom out to find the hoop (if it isn’t hidden by your design).